Al-Ghazali is a scholar and a scholar in the field of Islamic sciences. His spirit and thought impressed many people, not only in Islamic circles, but also in Western scholars. Many of his articles are related to various scientific fields. Among them are Ihya Ulumuddin, Al-Mungiz Minal Dalal, Tahafatul-Falasifah, Ayyuhal Wald and others. In the field of education, al-Ghazali said that education aims to eliminate inferior qualities or morals. According to Ghazali, this education inculcates good morals in the students. Enlightenment is the work of the farmer, like a farmer removing weeds that prevent plants from growing properly and producing a good harvest.
In education, it is impossible to separate the teacher and the student. For this is what determines the success or failure of educational objectives. Teachers, as pedagogues, have minimum prerequisites in the field and are responsible for the success of their students.
According to al-Ghazali, the teacher has a very good attitude:
"He who knows, practices and teaches is a person who is called a great personality in the celestial kingdom. A teacher is like the sun which spreads and unites all nature. A teacher is like oil. He should be a blessing for others. He himself." (Al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumuddin, TS, p. 55)
It is clear that the task of the teacher is to do a very honorable and very important job. If knowledge is kept for itself, it should not grow because if knowledge is kept, there is no growth, no stagnation.
Al-Ghazali mentions the requirements and duties of a teacher in his work "Ayuhal Wald".

"The condition for a teacher to be a representative of the Messenger of God is that he must be God-fearing, but not all believers can be his representatives. I will explain to you some of the requirements of a teacher so that everyone world speak. Part of being a murshid is not loving the world and status. Learn from the teacher and sit with the nobles of the prophets. Eat a little, eat a little. He had a beautiful story talk and little sleep Diligent in prayer, grateful, faithful, close, generous, generous, gentle, polite, humble, wise, faithful and true, shy, unfaithful, gentle, insensitive, etc. - so on. has value. An example. But its presence is rarer, more precious and rarer" (Al-Ghazali, Ayuhal Wald: 49).

Likewise, students have a very important role in determining their future under the subject of education. Students should always treat the teacher with good manners. Ghazali in his work "Bidaatul Hidayat" mentions thirteen criteria concerning the attitude of the students towards the teacher.
  1. Start with peace;
  2. He doesn't talk much in front of the teacher;
  3. do not speak until the teacher asks;
  4. Do not ask permission from the teacher before asking;
  5. The teacher's speech is not punchy, but it shows several reasons, for example: “The opinion of the police is very different from yours”;
  6. He does not dispute the teacher's view that he considers himself smarter than the teacher;
  7. Do not interfere with the person speaking in front of the teacher;
  8. In front of the teacher, instead of looking left and right, the leader gently lowers his eyes and acts humbly, as if praying;
  9. Do not ask questions when the teacher is tired (during breaks);
  10. Respect for the rising teacher;
  11. Do not speak behind the teacher who gets up from his seat and do not ask questions;
  12. If he's on the road, he doesn't start a conversation in front of the teacher, he waits until he gets home;
  13. Do not doubt the actions of the teacher with actions that seem wrong, for he knows the secret of his actions best. (Al-Ghazali, Bidyatul Hidayat: 144-145)
Moreover, the behavior of the student teacher of Ayuhal Vallad also specifies:

“The chance of finding a teacher is the end of the physical and spiritual dignity of the student who is ready to accept the teacher as a student. Honoring a stranger is not arguing with him; in any case, participate in denying the teacher, if the student's sin is known to the teacher, he does not sprinkle his face in front of him except during prayer, immediately after prayer He sits bent Finishing the prayer, he adds nothing to it, he reads the Sunna in front of the teacher and always obeys the commandments. The student should not deny everything he hears and rejects in his work or in his heart. He is not considered a hypocrite, he is happy not to associate with bad people, so he protects his heart from the influence of Satan, demons and people. He preferred poverty to the evil of Satan and especially to wealth.

Al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumuddin , Juz 1, Surabaya: Al-Hidayh, vol.
Al-Ghazali, Ayuha al-Wald , Kedir: Petok Mojo, T.
Al-Ghazali, "Bidiatul Hidayat", trans. Ahmad Sunarto, The Testament of Imam al-Ghazali , Surabaya: Ideal Media, 1986.


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