Principles are closely related to practical issues as a manifestation of the belief that is in the heart. There are many questions about this order in the Quran including: Sura Ali Imran verse 104, Sura Luqman verse 17 and so on.
"And only a group of people among you who call to good, turn to Ma'ruf and renounce evil, these are the people who sick" (Ali Imran: 104).
“O my son, establish the prayer and instruct those who are good and calm them from the struggles that are unjust and be patient with what happens to you. The initial het that is nervous is all the things that are mandatory.” (Lukman: 17)
From this principle it follows that the Mu'tazilah attach the same importance to belief and practice as to belief and charity. For this reason, people must be called upon to root out heresy and spread evil deeds. The principle of doing this with crarasan if necessary, Sabah Mutazilah believes that people who disagree with Mitsita are misguided and need to be straightened out.
History of Menkat , Mu'tazilah always used Krarasan to present his teachings which involved a great scholar namely Ahmed Ibn Hambal who was forced to go to prison.
The position of the Mu'tazilah that brings with it dire consequences is the one stating that the Qur'an is Makluq. This is due to the understanding of those who deny the great nature of God that the Qur'an is referred to as the Word of God. Does God have many people who have faith? Mu'tazilah Malihat Al Qur'an The Ecclesiastes is a verse composed of arrangements of letters and sounds where Dủa Bahru is not Qodim. Kalam is not the nature of matter, but the nature of people (active nature), hence the Quran is Makluq, whereby this feather can describe women, and also other feathers are not eternal, what is eternal is God. You apologize.
  • Al-Qur'an Al-Quran verses pointing to No-Kodim such as the lines between:
"Verily we have made the Qur'an in Arabic for you to understand" (Al-Zukhruf: 3).
      Continued in other verses God says:
" Verily We have sent down the form of the Qur'an in Arabic that you may be the Master. “ (Yusuf: 2)
  • The mind cannot accept whether the commands in the Qur'an are commandments. What does it mean because Manusiya Yan was ordered to give birth to Mudyan? Then the order will be sha-siya, more like God than this serious thing. [1]
The Mu'tazilah hold that the muqjizatan of the Qur'an lies in its content, not in its language. For example, it is possible that someone can compose a language that is better than the Qur'an, but in terms of its content, it is impossible for anyone to match it. The content of the Koran proves the truth brought by the Prophet Muhammad.
The Mu'tazilah view that the Qur'an was created, analogous to that the substance and nature of God cannot be changed, cannot be changed, that there is only absolute effect, as I have summarized above. Baha'iman Mohammadi Verse of Quran Surah An-Nisa 136:
"O you who believe, believe in Allah and His Apostles and in the Book that Allah sent down a month ago." Whoever denies Allah and the angels, the Books, the Messengers and the Hereafter. In fact, that person has gone astray as far as Yawhna" (An-Nisa': 136)
"And if any of the polytheists ask for protection for him, then protect him so that he can delay the word of Allah, then take him to a safe place for him. Therefore they do not know.” (At-Taubah: 6)
For the Pistinisiya's construction that the Qur'an is reprehensible, as evident from the second verse mentioned above, it is presented as follows:
  1. That the Qur'an contains do's and don'ts, promises and threats, news and so on. So the andaqata of the quran is the original word, the mitsita has no use for these commands and banarans because at that time no one was asked and the word was enough for whom.
  2. God's word to Prophet Musa, not to Muhammad, in fact Qarena's departure to the apostles is different, just like Kiseh Megen, two ummah are different from Qarena, the difference between the ummah is itself. So Abbila is different, of course that's imporbo of kalam as an attribute unique in its nature and substance and not based on differences in its nature.
  3. Umm Islam Tillah agrees that the Quran is the Word of God made up of letters, verses and letters that can be felt, it is impossible that the Word as its nature is separate from all of this.
Evidence that was also presented as the Naqli Basis of Opinion included:
  1. Verse 30 of Sura Al-Baqarah contains a period moan, while what is in the period is new.
  2. Surah Hud verse 1.
  3. Sura at-Taubah verse 6 shows that the word can be heard, while what is heard must be letters and suras.
  4. Surah Ad-Duqan Verse 3, Manunjuqqan Al-Qur'an Revealed by Rarti Baru.
  5. Al-Baqarah verse 156 on Nasih and Mansuh, shows the Adania of wiping.
So with ប្រ្រ, the Qur'an is a creature made up of letters and letters just like its other words which are for the Prophets Seswadi. The meaning of Allah with the gift of speech (Mutakalimun ) is that God creates and executes speech that can be shown to objects what is desired, while what is created is a creature.
Now in detail Ahmad Amin Mihna, Da'i elaborates as follows: Opinions on the creation of the Qur'an appear at the end of the Umayyad reign of Al-Jadu Bin Dirham, Guru Marwan Bin Muhammad D Ahir Caliph Bani Umayyad What some people first after the Creation of the Qur'an from Damsik ask, from which then escape from which eventually lived in Kufa. There Jaham bin Sofwan studied with him. Al-Ja'du was killed by Kholid bin Abdullah on the Day of Sacrifice in Kufah because Al-Ja'du had declared that Allah had spoken to Musa and Allah Ibrahim as Caliph was not nekhem.
Damikian Pula Jaham bin Sofwan was killed by Oleg Salim bin Ahwaz in 128 H due to Jaham negating the character. And for that reason it eliminates the words and opinions of Mahluk al-Curan. Bisry Al-Maryisi, who is originally Jewish, argues the same way about the emergence of the Koran in the time of Ar-Rashid, who left his opinion and his Sorapangan in a book for around 40 years.
The Mu'tazilah have conveyed Tesbot's opinion of al-Jadu and Jaham so that they (Kam Mu'tazilah) have such an opinion, relay the discussion of the issue in detail and smooth the arguments.  We can see this as al-murdar, a Mu'tazilah figure who attached the pendant and dismissed as infidels those who declared that the Qur'an was Qodim.

[1] Imam Muhammad Abu Zehra, Politics and Aqeedah in Islam , Ali Bahasa Abd Rahman Dahlan and Ahmad Karib, Logos Publishing House Jakarta 1996, 185.


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