This principle first gave rise to the birth of Mu'tazila, where Washil bin Ata' separated Dirinia from Hasan al-Basri. According to Wasil, a person who commits a major sin, apart from being a polytheist, is not considered a mumin or an infidel, but in a position between mumin and infidel, that person is called fasiq. Wasil's opinion is due to the following reasons:
  • The verses of the Qur'an and al-Hadith which propose that humans take the middle ground in terms of present-day individual passages in Surah Al-Isra: 29, Al-Baqarah: 143 and Sebaghainiya.
"And don't tie your hands around your neck and you are caught beforehand, because of that you become regretful and regretful." (Al-Isra: 29)
"And then We made you a pious and pious people, so that you may be witnesses of human suffering, and a prophet may be a witness of your cause." (Al-Baqarah: 143).
  • Philosopher's Thoughts, Between Aristotle's Lineage Who Argues That Virtue Is a Middle Way Between Two Ways of Exaggeration.
  • Plato's teaching that Yamanita exists somewhere between a bike and bad.
  • Words of Wisdom from Sendekiyawan, Separti Ali Ra Barkata: " Kun fid duniya wasathon " (Be you in this world in the middle). Mu'tazila deepens the meaning of the middle way so that it becomes a rationalist-ethical- philosophical principle, namely the teaching of a middle way between two exaggerated uzungnia.
Parbutan sin or immorality according to mu'tazila there are two graves, namely the small and the great immorality. Jan Besar's immorality is divided by two:
  1. Jan Ruined the Basis of Religion, Namely Envy and Jan Made It Become an Infidel.
  2. Those who don't reach the basic clan of religion and the people who are domaned by them no longer mebutan mumin, because I have violated religious teachings. But he's not an infidel either, because he still recites the creed.
The Mu'tazilah named the deceased person "Fasiq". So the wicked are the gods who are between non-believers and non-believers, yes, their center in hell is not on the same level with non-believers, their punishment is lighter than non-believers. This is Justice policy.


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