The assassination of Caliph Osman bin Affa, who died in 666 in Medina during a conflict with the Egyptian army, raised not only political but also theological questions. In political terms, this incident divided Muslims into 2 groups: Sunni and Siah. The development of Islamic history, not only in politics but also in religion and thought, has had many changes and changes of direction due to the opposition between these great factions. In the field of theology, Pesitawa Usman Bin Affan raises issues of faith and kufr. The war that took place between Ali Bin Abi Talib as Caliph K4 and Muawiya Bin Abi Sufian, the Governor of Damsik who held Ali responsible for avenging Usman's murder, was attempted to be completed with Habi Talib. This peaceful path was not approved by a group of Ali's soldiers because of its danger of being close to winning on the spur of the moment. This means that they will receive loot that will be distributed among all those who participate in purawang on their side. Satisfied with this situation, he did not part with Ali's descendants and formed his own power which became known as the Qaum Khawarij. The name Khawarij comes from Gata Kharaja , meaning to leave, which in this case means leaving the ranks of Ali Bin Abi Talib, Khalifa K4. [one]
They immediately raised this political issue and associated it with faith and disbelief, whether it was someone's Islam or not. In Divineyati, Surah From al-Majidah, verse 44, it says: whoever is unaware of what Allah has determined is a disbeliever. Ali bin Abi Talib RA
Muawiyah settled the marriage dispute not by resorting to theology, but by following the tradition of hakam zam jahiliyah. With megham ali and muawiya in the Khawarij sense, they have become infidels and not mu'min, so they are no longer Muslims. Thus Amr Bin Al-Ash and Abu Musa Al-Asiari, each an intermediary on the side of Muawiyah Don Ali. [2]
No திக்க்கு குக்கு புக்கு With what naveluva Allah has in the Qur'an according to the Khawarij, it is a sin. From this, they extract to the consumer that the greatest sin of apostasy is infidelity, in the sense that they have abandoned Islam, that is, apostasy and apostates must be killed. The main sin is the main line between committing adultery and human dignity without a valid reason. So, in Khawarij's view, people who commit adultery and kill are already outside of Islam and should be killed. In later developments, they accepted Haniala Muslims, people who adhere to Azran-Azran Khawarij. The Muslims of Linea are infidels and apostates and we must fight them. So the onslaught of opponents of Ali and Muawiya as their political opponents, Khawarij Yug against the Muslim community who do not understand their theology.
For the murjiah group, parbutan has no influence on faith. Relationship to him The problem of mortal sin and the creator of mortal sin in the first century Hicriah was widely and hotly discussed. The Alim ulema have asked many questions on this matter. Damikian Hasan al-Bashri (642-728 AD) A great scholar in Iraq, one day he received a farm from someone who listened to lectures. Before I could reply, another Pakistani named Washil bin Atha' (AD 699-748) emphasized: to commit a grave sin is to be neither a believer nor an unbeliever.
So Majlis left Gurunia and formed his own Majlis for his vehsari majalis opantang. The word mumin, in the washil sense, means laud, while those who commit crimes are not persecuted, but on the contrary, the people who commit crimes are not unfaithful, because the people who commit crimes are not unfaithful. a believer. Since the perpetrator of immorality is neither a believer nor a disbeliever, he falls between the two and can accept the title of Muslim.
As for the grave sins that Muslims commit, Muslims cannot decide the line on this land and this land, but the person who committed the grave sin was the sender. If you repent, in the sense of repentance, which is the same, God will forgive you that great sin and you will go to heaven. But if you don't want to repent and die before you have a chance to repent with true repentance, your great sin will not be erased and you will go to hell forever. Hania humanka, which is detirimnia, is lighter than humanka made by God for non-believers. Then the dean of Azran with the name of " al-manjilah bin al-manjilatain ", the prayer position between the position of the believer and the position of the non-believer, cycles in dunya and in the afterlife.
It was this incident that led to the birth of the mu'tazilah who were born at the beginning. The name Mutazilah given to them comes from the word Itzala, which means exile. According to one theory, the name was given to him based on the words of Hasan Al-Basri, after seeing Wasil split up. Hasan al-Basri Narrated the commentator member as follows: I'tajala Anna (Yes, exile from us). People who go into seclusion are called mu'tazila. Exile can mean turning away from Majlis Kulyah Hasan Al-Basri, or turning away from the views of Murjiah and Khawarij. According to Line Theory, the name Mu'tazilah did not originate from Hasan al-Basri's statement, but rather came from the word Itzala , which was used for people who moved away from political parties that occurred during the time of Abin Usman Ali Thabbin Thabbin. Qata e'tacala and mu'tazilah, according to the authors Sertah al-Tabari and Abu al-Fuda [3] were certainly ancient at that time. Those who do not want to interfere in political disputes go into seclusion and express concern about the cult and science of snacking. Among the people are the grandsons of the Prophet Muhammad, Abu Hussein, Abdullah and al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin al-Hanafi.
Mutazilah is said to have the meaning of being investigated, because Mutazilah who pass the investigation are investigated. In fact, the word I'tazala comes from the root a'zala which means not to contain the dangerous meaning of "meshikhan". The Arabic word for slipping has a sound close to a'jala, namely jalla. However, the name mu'tazilah cannot be derived from the word jalla.
The Mu'tazila people themselves, although they call themselves experts in tawhid and adl, do not reject the name of mu'tazila . In fact, from the statements of the mu'tazilah leaders, one can implore consumers who are sentilah to carry out this name. According to al-Qadi Abdul Jabbar, a Mu'tazila leader whose books were found in the 20th century AD, in theology one can get the word itajala which contains the meaning of differing from salangdari. Hearing the word mu'tazilah contains the meaning of praise. [4] Lines According to the testimony of a Mu'tazila, Ibn al-Murtada, the lines of the names of the Mu'tazilahs were not given by people, but the Mu'tazila people themselves created the names. [5]
From the above description, the situation of the Muslim community at that time was fragmented into factions. Khawarij, Siah and Murjiah groups argue with each other with a young line. Each of them has their own way of defending themselves. The issue of the major sins of Menorama is the origin of the dispute, Misalnia Khawarij believes that Usman, Ali, Muawiya and the people who received the Tahkim are major sins . The Murziah group believes that all who are involved in the Muslim dispute are still believers and will not leave Islam. Faith is a mere work of kheti, charitable giving is not at all a reflection of faith. The Shiite group also believes that the caliphs before Ali were usurpers of rights, because Ali was the one who gave the name of Khalifa's vice president the name prophet. They feel that the extortionists are also unfaithful and they will live in hell forever.
In the second century of the Hegira, the city of Baghdad (Iraq) became the center of Islamic science and civilization. The Unani philosophy has entered the world of Islam and sonaftania thoughts of many dozens of Muslims. [6] Many people who have recently embraced Islam have brought the religions of Judaism, Zarathusht, and other beliefs, where the rest of their beliefs are not abandoned. One can feel the activity in the line of religion and people who deliberately enter Islam to destroy Islam from within, Dhatya Azran-Azran Philosophy attacks Islam in its own way. This is the Islamic way of dealing with bike attacks from outside, muhamun from within. In the situation of facing parpechahan and paramatang parbedan as well as bike attacks from outside, muhamun from inside, muhamillah was born. [7]
For conpanesi and meguri, long-standing divisions and divergent opinions, the Mutazillah of the Middle Way, in an effort to promote the disputed views, devised a concept. His opinion is not as strong as the opinion of the Kharijites, nor is it accepted as weak, as is Murziah's opinion, but binaal manjilataini , between two different opinions.
Against attacks, both from outside and inside, Mu'tazilah emerges with new thoughts to save Islam.
Business is a new science in Islam that introduces mu'tazilah, that is, "the science of speech." This knowledge combines philosophy and logic with Islamic teachings to create new ideas, notions, and understanding of Islamic religious theology.
Therefore, the mu'tazilah are not about religion, but about politics, although in later developments they use political elements to develop and implement their teachings and understandings. A new group of mu'tazila was then born to make up a series of existing groups.

[1] Harun Nasution, Islamic Rationalist Ideas and Thought , Chet. 6, Mizan (IKAPI Member) Bandung, 2000, p.126.
[2] Same.
[3] Ahmad Amin, Fajr al-Islam , Darul-Kitabul-Hadith, Cairo, 1964. p. 290.
[4] Al-Quran-Nasiyar, Nasiyah al-Fikr al-Quran-Falsafi fi al-Islam, Cairo, 1966, p. 430-1.
[5] Ahmad Mahmoud Subi, Film al-Kalam , Cairo, 1969, p. 75 - 6.
[6] Noorchlis Majid, Khasnah Buddhijivi Islam , page 21.
[7] Ibid., PG 22


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