
the end

The kit needs a complete brain to work effectively.
Some people with large brains that are surgically removed are children because the disease can affect adults quite well.
Modern humans have larger brains than Neanderthals.
Neanderthal brains may have been larger than ours.
Active regions on a brain scan mean that areas of the brain become more active.
Active areas on brain scans sometimes indicate that some areas of the brain are in other areas.
"Alpha awareness" is associated with relaxation.
There is no evidence that sukukana relaxes the alpha brain of sukukana; Also, some people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have high levels of alpha.
Adults don't like new neurons.
A relatively recent study has shown the growth of new neurons in the adult brain, particularly in the hippocampus.
As adults, we appreciate about 100,000 neurons a day.
We lost neurons in each one of them, but the actual number is probably only one-tenth of that.
My Ita Tonku Digudan has a sense of the blind to match.
There is no evidence that blind people are superior in certain skills, such as hearing, touch, or leisure.
Blind people can direct long-distance obstacles by feeling arrows and pressure on their foreheads.
There is no evidence for this claim.
Coma is a state of deep sleep.
who does not sleep
We can "wake up" a person from a coma using their favorite.
There is no scientific evidence that people can be brought out of a coma by being presented with their favorite songs or other familiar stimuli.
Biofeedback will be very important.
Most research shows that biofeedback is more effective than relaxation in reducing anxiety.
Humans have an invisible "energy body" that can cause mental problems.
There is no scientific evidence of invisible energy fields in or around the human body.
Alcohol kills cells.
Alcohol does not appear to kill brain cells, although it can damage the "dendrites" of neurons, which give them their weight.
The main effect of alcohol is to stimulate the brain.
Alcohol is a depressant, eta bemalta is a stimulant only in low doses.
Alcohol increases sexual arousal.
Alcohol inhibits sexual activity and performance, especially in high doses.
Alcohol can always be detected through the breath.
You can't always detect alcohol on your breath.
I drink alcohol
Although alcohol generally makes you fall asleep faster, it also tends to make you fall asleep faster, so it can wake you up faster.
Alcohol heats the body.
Although drinking cold alcohol can make us feel hot, it actually causes the body to lose pain and heal itself.
Altitude is easy to get used to, just like when you fly in an airplane.
Studies show that high altitudes do not increase toxicity.
Disruption occurs only after drinking, there are only obvious symptoms.
Assessment of impairment can be carried out long before oral poisoning.
Drinking coffee is a good way to calm down from having too much to drink.
Drinking coffee with a hangover will not be ambiguous; It's just that we get "totally" drunk.
A cold shower or exercise is a good way to relax.
See above.
Switching between different types of alcohol is even more feasible.
It was the total amount, not the type of alcohol, that predicted alcohol risk.
One cannot become an alcoholic simply by drinking beer.
I don't believe it
There is evidence that people who smoke marijuana for years eventually become indifferent.
Evidence for the "inspiration syndrome" is mixed, largely because heavy marijuana smokers often use other drugs.
Most cedar-brained people are disabled.
Most people with Cedar Cedar appear normal and grossly normal, except for subtle deficits on neuropsychological testing.
After a head injury, the best prescription is rest.
After a head injury, the best prescription is a gradual return to activity.
If the head injury is not visible, it appears that the person's brain is unconscious.
Brain damage detected on neurological and neuropsychological tests can be achieved without loss of consciousness.
Prefrontal lobotomy (more popularly known as "lobotomy") turns people into "vegetables."
Most people who receive a lobotomy are not "vegetables", although they are usually indifferent.
Humans have five senses. In addition to sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, humans have different abilities, such as body position, temperature, and pain.
Most people see the world in black and white.
Almost everyone who is color blind can see at least some colors; The "monochromes", those who see the world in black and white, are only 0.005% of the population.
Dogs see the world in black and white.
Dogs have verna blindness, but can see verna blindness, blue and yellow pasukum.
Reading in low light can confuse us.
The research is not convincing for this claim.
The taste buds of the human tongue can be described as a "map" of four flavors.
Although some textbooks include "taste maps" of humans, these maps are very simplistic, since the fourth taste receptor is distributed in different parts of the tongue.
Eating ice cream is recognized faster in our brain as pain than other cold substances.
A "brain clot" is caused by the blood vessels in the roof of the mouth constricting and then blood permeating the vessels, causing pain.
Magnets, such as those embedded in the soles of shoes, can reduce pain.
Studies show that such magnets do not help reduce the sensation of pain.
Eating too much turkey can make us feel tired.
There is no evidence that turkey induces sleep more than any other food. But because we often eat turkey on major holidays when we eat a lot and drink alcohol (those that contribute to the turkey), we can mistakenly treat eating as cause and effect.

50 great myths of popular psychology


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